Saturday, September 1, 2007

Saturday Morning Cartoons

A long time ago in a land long forgotten, there was no Cartoon Network, no Nickelodeon, no Disney Channel. The only form of entertainment that kidz had to look forward to was the Saturday morning cartoons.

Although it was a struggle for the kiddies to get up in the morning for school, Saturdays were different. There seemed to be a vibrance in the air starting first thing at 6:00 am when the first cartoon would air. The heads of children would literally pop out of their pillows and vibrant bodies would run to the kitchen to overflow their cereal bowls with mounds of sugar atop of their flakes. Now prepared, the morning soldiers would slop down in front of the Dumb Boxes to begin their marathon of watching as many brainless animations possible before adults would take back over the airwaves.

This new weekly Yhate feature is dedicated to all you Adult children who can fondly recollect their thoughts to the weekly practice of anticipation for those Saturday Morning Cartoons. Saturdays not just another day of the week, they were an event.


Coffee Messiah said...

Great animation and Thanks for sharing it. Will have to check out the site at a future date.

And good for you on your previous post! ; )

Tim Chaney said...

Long after I grew up and moved out my Dad still sat every Saturday and watched the cartoons until he passed away at 71.

They were also an event on Sundays watching the 3 Stooges and the Bowery Boys, oh and don't forget Dagwood and Blondie : )

Tim Chaney said...

Well I guess the last three weren't cartoons, still brings back the same memories.

¿Yh8? said...

Still watch cartoons, except the fun is not quite the same since they are ALWAYS on.

Anonymous said...

Sitting around at age 71 watching cartoon and waiting to die is a good argument for euthanasia.

¿Yh8? said...

^^ um, wow ^^

Tim Chaney said...

Did the children get out of school early today?

John R said...