Even the Yhate entity itself doesn't even know what to think about it, but if you listen carefully enough to
1320am WICO, somewhere in the midst of all the "Hate Radio" shows, a couple of our own Yhate Alliance members will be visiting the older demographic on the
Robinson On the Radio Show. Should be fer interesting.
i for one, want to be more positive, maybe we reached one person today... you did me... i am trying to get 100 positive comments on my blog... lets have a positive world, and agree to disagree -- instead of argue and spew HATE
has the historical broadcast been saved???
From the nasty posts I've had to remove from my blog, I'm sure you've reached someone. 100% Positive isn't possible but any change for the better is a success. The new mascot reminds me of speedy gonzales, in a good way!
I think it sucks.
Such talent in providing constructive feedback. We have so much to gain from your great words of wisdom, oh wise and mighty Anon.
Anonymous has as much right to think it sucks as you do to think not. I think Nu is some sort of half assed chink name. But that my right also.
Oh me, oh my, did someone say that Anonymous (or anyone else for that matter) did not have such rights? — Tsk, tsk. I'm so glad you said something, because I wholeheartedly agree that everyone has a right to their own opinions and beliefs. I'm so glad you pointed that out.
BTW - It is so wonderfully opened minded of you to show such interest in the in the word "Nu" and the culture from which it came from. But you may want to review your resources. "Nu" is a Dutch word that when translated to english, means "Now". Be it whole or half, I can assure you that the word has little to do with a "chink" (see below definitions).
Hey, but thank you for participating in our blog. It is oh so nice of you to support an "anti-hate" blog by providing the hits needed to gain credibility and purpose.
chink — 1 | ch i ng k| noun
1. a narrow opening or crack, typically one that admits light :
a chink in the curtains.
a narrow beam or patch of light admitted by such an opening : I noticed a chink of light under the door.
ass |as| — noun:
2. informal a foolish or stupid person : that ass of a young man. PHRASES make an ass of oneself informal behave in a way that makes one look foolish or stupid :
"he is stewed and about to make an ass of himself."
ITS GR8! I put it on my blog. Story behind this mouse is that it represents my Father. My Dad always loved mice, he had a pet mouse that would run around on his work bench. He fed it it even would get in his pocket while he worked.
He told the story to Council Woman Cambell when she worked for the Salisbury News and Advertiser and she drew a pictue of 2 mice. One called Rob(this one) And one called Dee a female mouse.
So the mouse Rob was born and is a symbol of greatness. My Father was a great man. He had NO enemies and represents what I can only hope to be someday.
Oi! Nu is also a French word, meaning 'naked'. And naked is what we all should strive to be. Naked means: nothing to hide and being transparant...in my opinion the only good base from wich to start of gaining real knowledge and understanding. Nu also might be an Eskimo word or at least, should be an excuise mots!
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