Saturday, June 16, 2007

Nature Peace 11

"The world is at war and the human race is in travail and mortal combat. The dark night of hate hath taken over, and the light of good faith is blotted out. The peoples and kindreds of the earth have sharpened their claws, and are hurling themselves one against the other. It is the very foundation of the human race that is being destroyed. It is thousands of households that are vagrant and dispossessed, and every year seeth thousands upon thousands of human beings weltering in their life-blood on dusty battlefields. The tents of life and joy are down. The generals practice their generalship, boasting of the blood they shed, competing one with the next in inciting to violence. ‘With this sword,’ saith one of them, ‘I beheaded a people!’ And another: ‘I toppled a nation to the ground!’ And yet another: ‘I brought a government down!’ On such things do men pride themselves, in such do they glory! Love--righteousness--these are everywhere censured, while despised are harmony, and devotion to the truth."

'Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha, p. 2


Anonymous said...

Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?

Acts 4:23 - 37

A most challenging and exciting part of the New Testament.

With love,

Anonymous said...

ya need to be a mom, ya need to bring up children in order to ask such wise and good question.

Aaron A. said...

‘I beheaded a people!’ And another: ‘I toppled a nation to the ground!’ And yet another: ‘I brought a government down!’ On such things do men pride themselves, in such do they glory!

Fits in perfectly with Iraq today.

¿Yh8? said...

And here be the kicker! — It was written by a spiritual leader named Abdu'l-Baha, who was alive from 1844-1921.

I could not find the date he wrote these words, but they are certain to be close to (if not more than) 100 years old.

Like yer avatar btw.

Gaijin21 said...

In honor of you leaving me a nice comment, I searched for another quote regarding hate by 'Abdu'l-Baha and posted it on to my site

I also enjoyed your blog and put your site up in Stubleupon with this review:

"Sometimes words move us. Sometimes words provoke thoughts. But the same message expressed through art could penetrate our hearts where words cannot reach. This is a site with a simple message."Why Hate?" What brings hope and inspiration to us is its original art and the recognition of the creative force around which represents a new level of awareness and the world we are in process of building now. In this new world, there is no room for hate. For this, I recommend this site."

You can see it here:

In my logs of sites I like, you should find many links that you would like too.

¿Yh8? said...

Hey great! Thanks a tonnage! Keep in touch!