Wednesday, February 28, 2007

On Being...

Over at the Washington Post they started up this cool project titled "onBeing". It's a "project based on the simple notion that we should get to know one another a little better". Every Wednesday they publish a new quick vid of a person just talking on the subject of "being". It's actually quite interesting. Of course, the kid steals the show!

Check it out by clicking here.


bye said...

Hey Bud,
how about repasting my site information so I can navigate back and forth easier.
I promise to try and stay in the same place from now on!!!

¿Yh8? said...


bye said...

Muchas Gracias!
I wish I had your Computer Graphics Ability. Is this stuff from an off the shelf soft wear package?

¿Yh8? said...

well yes and no.

Our product is most often finalized using Adobe software products.

Some of the images used are either created and generated by ourselves by hand and/or assembled from various images to witch we have acquired the rights to use.