Tuesday, February 6, 2007

What Tha?

Odd — Why hasn't Albero published these?


bye said...

If it was it was because the tenents down the alley were using it. NOT THE JACK!

¿Yh8? said...

WOW - I just did post this — were you guys watching or something? LOL

bye said...

Of course.
JACK has lots of friends.

whocares! said...

For the record i really do care! Have you seen his "pittsville properties"? what a mess they are.....he truly holds a different standard for everyone else! let's face it folks.....we are not dealing with a normal guy here. i drove by his building today, he also has 2 windows that are falling out of the sashes!!!! has he been sighted? could it be that joe is a closet FOB???? thing that make you go hmmmmmm!!!!!

bye said...

I Liiiiiike you. But be careful around me according to JAKC I'm Gay.
u da man

Idiot! said...

It is obviously the Mayor's responsibility to fix that.

But seriously- Joey, how can you blame the Mayor for every small thing wrong in a city when you cant even keep your properties straight??!! It is not like you have a job keeping you from making the neccessary repairs!

Anonymous said...
